A Membership Year runs from April 1st through March 31st. The BOE Membership Drive starts in February and ends in April. However, Membership is open all year to join. You can take advantage of your many membership benefits right away by signing up in person at any Tuesday class.
There will be two membership options with both having equal voting and membership privileges.
We are offering a Yearly membership at $45 and a Lifetime Membership at $500.
- All Members after 2 consecutive years can run for the board
- All Members get a membership card
- All Members get 2 vouchers for a FREE Tuesday night class
- Lifetime Members get all Tuesday night classes FREE
- All Members get half-off Tuesday night classes
- All Members get voting privileges to elect Board Members
- All Members get a voice at BOE public board meetings
- All Members and only Members are Eligible for the BOE mentorship program (currently on hiatus)
It is the BOE’s Policy that all memberships must be paid for. All Directors, Officers, Emeritus Board Members, and Committee Chairs must be members and maintain their membership in order to retain their positions. Directors must maintain a 2 year consecutive membership prior to their term in office.