What is the Board of Education?

The Board of Education (BOE) is a not-for-profit organization dedicated to supporting, educating, and connecting adults with shared interests. Open to individuals of all orientations, we provide a safe, inclusive, and discreet environment to explore, learn, and grow together.

Note: You must be at least 18 years old to attend events, become a member, or receive our communications.

Our Mission

The BOE exists to empower our community through:

Quality Education

Health & Safety

Social Connection

Community Care


We strive to be a leading national alternative lifestyle organization, empowering and educating local communities while fostering belonging and support.

How We’re Organized


The BOE is led by a seven-member board of directors, elected by our members every March. Four directors are elected in odd-numbered years, and three are elected in even-numbered years.

Board Member: Pam – TheMtnLioness (2024-2026)
Board Member: Rooskie – Rooskie69 (2023-2025)
Board Member: Serena – ser0tonin_ (2023-2025)
Board Member: Tiffany – SirSugar (2023-2025)
Board Member at Large: FerventLight (2024-2026)
Board Member at Large: Trisha – MzRhythm (2024-2026)
Board Member at Large: Will – Sir-Will (2024-2026)

Email all board members: Board@TheBoeMI.com
Email board members at large: MALs@TheBoeMI.com

Updated: 4/2024


Volunteer-run committees ensure our events run smoothly. These dedicated teams plan, organize, and execute the BOE’s educational and social offerings.

Mentorship Committee Chair:
TheMtnLioness – pam@theboemi.com
Communication Committee Chair:
MzRhythm – communications@theboemi.com
Education Committee Chair:
TheMtnLioness (Interim) – pam@theboemi.com
Web and IT Committee Chair:
ShadowMe (Interim) – it@theboemi.com
Party and Events Committee Chair:
Sir-Will – party@theboemi.com
Membership Committee Chair:
TheMtnLioness – membership@theboemi.com

Updated: 4/2024