The BOE Presents: Munches & Classes & Parties, Oh My!
Munches & Classes & Parties, Oh My!Are you “newish” to our local Kink Community? Maybe you’re a recent transplant to the area? Or maybe you have just started to explore the kink lifestyle? Or maybe you’ve been around forever and you didn’t even know half of these events existed? Come out and learn some of the most fundamental do’s and don’t’s to getting out there and attending public kink events. The goal of this class is to make you feel more comfortable about stepping out and exploring the local scene and hopefully dispel some of your fears about doing so. Our goal is to have as many event organizers and hosts in attendance as possible so that you can be introduced, maybe get vetted if needed, and be able to ask all about their event. There is a slight change in format from last time. Event hosts will have designated areas where they can be found to meet and greet those who attend. Are you into Karaoke, Spanking, CFNM, Poly, Introverted, Bowling, Euchre, etc, etc??? This is the place for you!!! If you wish to participate as an event host please contact TheMtnLioness. So far these folks will be in attendance to pimp their events and vet you and answer any questions you may have. List of events with Hosts attending (this will be updated as more people RSVP):The Board of Education |